About Us
Redeemer Counseling is a professional Christian counseling and training center that started in 1990. We connect the Gospel and counseling best practices for individuals and churches. For over 30 years, our approach to Gospel-Centered counseling has been to create a context for healing and growth as people experience the power of the Holy Spirit and the truth of the Gospel in a personal way.

Our Vision
Our vision is to heal and transform lives as we set the standard in connecting the Gospel and clinical excellence.
Our Core Values
Gospel. We believe there cannot be lasting transformation apart from Jesus Christ. Change is experienced in a covenant relationship with him.
Community. We acknowledge that change does not happen in isolation. Our counseling therefore encourages healing and growth within the context of community.
Changed lives. We believe counseling is an examination of the heart and transformation is the work of the Holy Spirit.
City. We seek to address the demands and complexities of urban life with the wisdom of God.
Movement. We serve as a model and assist in developing gospel-centered counseling ministries.
Our Unique Gospel-Centered Approach: The GIFT
At Redeemer Counseling, we believe that Scripture is God’s inspired written revelation to humanity and it should be central in understanding who we are, what is our problem, and what will fix us. We also believe in common grace that reveals truths in psychology to give nuance to our understanding from Scripture. In our approach, Gospel-Centered Integrative Framework for Therapy or GIFT, we prioritize what the scripture says and seek to integrate psychological insights in understanding people. We provide contextualized care that is both effective and meaningful to each person we journey with.
Redeemer Counseling strives to apply a biblical perspective to the challenges of life and in addressing various mental health needs. We are a ministry of presence. We seek to create a context for healing and growth as people experience the power of the Holy Spirit and the truth of the Gospel in a personal way. We believe our role as counselors is to meet people where they are with clinical excellence and show them the sure hope in Christ to restore and heal.
We believe that people are made in God’s image living in a physical body. Therefore, to restore health to a person, we need to consider the dimensions of both body and soul.We seek to guide individuals and the community towards physical, emotional, and spiritual wholeness. Effective counseling must not only help alleviate presenting symptoms and suffering, but it must also uncover past wounds that are impacting their present lives. Our counselors help people grieve those wounds and receive God's healing. Moreover, effective counseling identifies fallible strategies that people rely on so that they can repent and turn toward God for their identity.