Counseling Toolkit Newsletter
Practical counseling skill-building resources that connect the Gospel and clinical excellence
This newsletter uses our unique gospel-centered counseling approach to provide practical counseling tools, training and skills. Each month, you’ll receive a Counseling Toolkit in your inbox on topics such as anxiety, depression, trauma, and counseling couples.
Counseling Toolkit Library
Search for helpful Toolkits by topic
Supporting Young Adult Formation (July 2024)
Managing Ongoing Overwhelm and Exhaustion, Part 1 (January 2022)
Safely Connected, Managing Ongoing Overwhelm and Exhaustion, Part 2 (February 2022)
Coaching People Through Re-entry Anxiety (August 2021)
Counseling Someone with a Harsh Inner Critic (March 2021)
Understand and Reduce the Impact of Stressful Events (September 2020)
The Optimal Zone for Processing Experience (May 2020)
Staying Connected While Staying Away (April 2020)
Becoming Okay with Anxiety: The Antidote to Fight or Flight (October 2019)
Helping Clients Wrestle With God In Their Pain (September 2019)
First Steps To Calming Anxious Clients (May 2019)
Helpful Accountability for Sexual Addictions (March 2023)
Addressing Unhealthy Media Diets (April 2022)
Tough Topics: Discussing Marijuana Use (August 2022)
How Do You Know If Someone Is Addicted To Food? (August 2019)
Sexual Addiction: There's hope! (August 2017)
The Holidays, Food, and Body Image (December 2022)
Replace Distorted Body Image by Experiencing Christ's Compassion (July 2021)
Counseling Someone with Food Addiction (January 2021)
How Do You Know If Someone Is Addicted To Food? (August 2019)
Helping People Relate to Food and Their Bodies (July 2017)
Supporting Adoptive
Families (November 2024)When Senses Overwhelm: Disruptive Childhood Behavior and the Body (May 2017)
Childhood Trauma: Understand and Minimize the Impacts (July 2018)
Creating a Referral List (October 2023)
Affecting How Others See Themselves Through Love (November 2022)
Tips for Counseling Men (October 2022)
Creating a Referral List (July 2022)
Connecting with the Layers of People's Pain (March 2022)
Safely Connected, Managing Ongoing Overwhelm and Exhaustion, Part 2 (February 2022)
Managing Ongoing Overwhelm and Exhaustion, Part 1 (January 2022)
Guiding Someone to an Experience with Christ (May 2021)
The Optimal Zone for Processing Experience (May 2020)
Uncovering Unconscious Beliefs Using The Trauma Egg (July 2019)
Becoming Aware of Cultural Biases in Counseling (June 2019)
Help People Change By Doing Things Differently In Session (January 2019)
Cultivating Compassion for Other People’s Stories (January 2018)
Identifying Core Hurts (February 2018)
Relieve Suffering Through Radical Acceptance (April 2018)
The Four Deep Idols, Heart Transformation: Identifying Our Strategies for Self Redemption (October 2018)
Understanding Our Strategies for Self-Redemption (November 2018)
Help Clients Internalize the Gospel by Using the Imagination (December 2018)
Integrating Psychology and Theology in Counseling (January 2017)
Making the Gospel Relevant in the Counseling Process (Oct 2017)
Integrating Psychology and Theology in Counseling (September 2017)
Guiding Someone to an Experience with Christ (May 2021)
Experience Healing by Identifying with Christ in the Psalms (October 2020)
Staying Connected While Staying Away (April 2020)
Helping Clients Wrestle With God In Their Pain (September 2020)
Help Clients Internalize the Gospel by Using the Imagination (December 2018)
The Hard Work of Forgiveness (Sept 2018)
Self Care and Soul Care (March 2017)
Dealing with Unfulfilled Longings (June 2017)
Making the Gospel Relevant in the Counseling Process (October 2017)
Grasping God’s Delight: Four Possibilities of Connection (December 2017)
Helping couples move
toward secure attachment (March 2025)How Attachment Styles
Impact Relationships (February 2025)Helping couples navigate change (June 2024)
Help Couples Build a Stronger Friendship (February 2023)
How to Use A Time-Out Wisely (June 2022)
Deescalating Reactive Couples (April 2021)
Cultivating Connection Between Couples (February 2021)
Breaking Destructive Communication Cycles in Marriage (November 2020)
Staying Connected While Staying Away (April 2020)
Cultivating a Culture of Appreciation in Marriage (February 2020)
When Infidelity Is Revealed (April 2019)
Describe Rather Than Judge: A Marriage Communication Skill (March 2019)
Resources for Sexual Brokenness and Healing (February 2019)
Doing The Hard Work Of Forgiveness (September 2018)
Domestic Abuse: How To Assess Destructive Relationships (June 2018)
Help for the Sexual Addict: discerning between weakness and sin (May 2018)
Responding to a Disclosure of Sexual Assault (November 2017)
Sexual Addiction: There's hope! (August 2017)
Intimacy Checkup (February 2017)
Suicide Prevention: Creating a Safety Plan (Aug 2018)
Remote Counseling, Preparing for Emergencies (June 2021)
Understand and Reduce the Impact of Stressful Events (September 2020)
3 Steps to Processing Trauma with People (June 2020)
Responding to Disclosure of Sexual Assault (November 2017)
Responding After A Tragic Event (March 2018)
Making Space for Those Struggling with Unwanted Singleness (September 2023)
Helping Clients Wrestle With God In Their Pain (September 2019)
Understand and Reduce the Impact of Stressful Events (September 2020)
Staying Connected While Staying Away (April 2020)
Seasonal Affective Disorder: More Than the Winter Blues (December 2019)
Developing Protocols - Journeying with Victims of Abuse (November 2021)
Journeying with Victims of Abuse, Part 1 (October 2021)
Domestic Abuse: How To Assess Destructive Relationships (June 2018)
GIFT APPROACH: Gospel-Centered Integrated Framework for Therapy
Deep Idols Series
Introduction: Making Sense of Someone’s Story — November 2023
The Deep Idol of Power — January 2024)
The Deep Idol of Control — February 2024
The Deep Idol of Comfort — March 2024
The Deep Idol of Approval - April 2024
Deep Idols & Lasting Change — May 2024
Heart Transformation: Identifying Our Strategies for Self-Redemption (October 2018)
Understanding Our Strategies for Self-Redemption (November 2018)
Help Clients Internalize the Gospel by Using the Imagination (December 2018)
Identifying Core Hurts (February 2018)
Finding Hope in Christ, Not Our Failing Strategies (April 2023)
Doing The Hard Work Of Forgiveness (September 2018)
Making the Gospel Relevant in the Counseling Process (October 2017)
Integrating Psychology and Theology in Counseling (September 2017)
Deep Idols & Lasting Change — (May 2024)
Making Space for Those Struggling with Unwanted Singleness (September 2023)
Writing Letters to Let Go of Pain (July 2022)
Uncovering Unconscious Beliefs Using The Trauma Egg (July 2019)
Learning to Walk with Those Who are Grieving (April 2017)
Providing Care After Spiritual Abuse (July 2023)
Attuning to Someone with Infertility (May 2022)
Holding Loss and Hope Simultaneously (December 2020)
Common Ways of Responding to Grief (August 2020)
The Optimal Zone for Processing Experience (May 2020)
The Power of Gratitude in Grieving (November 2019)
Helping Clients Wrestle With God In Their Pain (September 2019)
Responding After A Tragic Event (March 2018)
Dealing With Unfulfilled Longings (June 2017)
Becoming Aware of Cultural Biases in Counseling (June 2019)
Identifying and Addressing Racial Trauma in Counseling (July 2020)
Looking at Boundaries from an Asian American Perspective (June 2023)
Empowering Asian Americans (September 2021)
Easing Caregivers' Burdens (August 2024)
Self-care as Good Stewardship (September 2022)
Addressing Unhealthy Media Diets (April 2022)
Understand and Reduce the Impact of Stressful Events (September 2020)
Staying Connected While Staying Away (April 2020)
Self Care and Soul Care (March 2017)
Sexual Addiction & Pornography Addiction: There is Hope! (August 2017)
Helpful Accountability for Sexual Addictions (March 2023)
Resources for Sexual Brokenness and Healing (February 2019)
Help for the Sexual Addict: Discerning Between Weakness and Sin (May 2018)
Suicide Prevention Month: How do I start a conversation? (Sept 2024)
Creating a Safety Plan (Aug 2018)
Remote Counseling, Preparing for Emergencies (June 2021)
3 Steps to Processing Trauma with People (June 2020)
Uncovering Unconscious Beliefs Using The Trauma Egg (July 2019)
Providing Care After Spiritual Abuse (July 2023)
Attuning to Someone with Infertility (May 2022)
Empowering Asian Americans (September 2021)
Identifying and Addressing Racial Trauma in Counseling (July 2020)
The Optimal Zone for Processing Experience (May 2020)
Does the Past Affect People if They Don’t Remember? (March 2020)
Resources for Sexual Brokenness and Healing (February 2019)
Childhood Trauma: Understand and Minimize the Impact (July 2018)
Responding to Disclosure of Sexual Assault (November 2017)
Responding After A Tragic Event (March 2018)
Archive by Date
Helping Couples Move Toward Secure Attachment (March 2025)
How Attachment Styles
Impact Relationships (February 2025)Help People Set Healthy Goals (January 2025)
Supporting Adoptive Families (November 2024)
Loving those who Suffer Long (October 2024)
Suicide Prevention Month: How do I start a conversation? (September 2024)
Easing Caregivers' Burdens - August 2024
Supporting Young Adult Formation - July 2024
Helping Couples Navigate Change — June 2024Deep Idols & Lasting Change — May 2024
The Deep Idol of Approval — April 2024
The Deep Idol of Comfort — March 2024The Deep Idol of Control — February 2024
The Deep Idol of Power — January 2024)
The Holidays, Grief, & Loss (December 2023)
Making Sense of Someone’s Story (November 2023)
Creating a Referral List (October 2023)
Making Space for Those Struggling with Unwanted Singleness (September 2023)
Trauma-Informed Care for Student Ministries (August 2023)
Providing Care After Spiritual Abuse (July 2023)
Looking at Boundaries from an Asian American Perspective (June 2023)
Caring for your Church's Mental Health (May 2023)
Finding Hope in Christ, Not Our Failing Strategies (April 2023)
Helpful Accountability for Sexual Addictions (March 2023)
Help Couples Build a Stronger Friendship (February 2023)
Counseling Toolkits by Topic —(January 2023)
The Holidays, Food, and Body Image (December 2022)
Affecting How Others See Themselves Through Love (November 2022)
Tips for Counseling Men (October 2022)
Self-care as Good Stewardship (September 2022)
Tough Topics: Discussing Marijuana Use (August 2022)
Writing Letters to Let Go of Pain (July 2022)
How to Use A Time-Out Wisely (June 2022)
Attuning to Someone with Infertility (May 2022)
Addressing Unhealthy Media Diets (April 2022)
Connecting with the Layers of People's Pain (March 2022)
Counseling Exercises, Safely Connected: How God Intended - (February 2022)
Managing Ongoing Overwhelm and Exhaustion (January 2022)
Family, the Holidays, and Boundaries (December 2021)
Developing Protocols - Journeying with Victims of Abuse, Part 2 (November 2021)
Journeying with Victims of Abuse, Part 1 (October 2021)
Empowering Asian-Americans (September 2021)
Coaching People Through Re-entry Anxiety (August 2021)
Replace Distorted Body Image by Experiencing Christ's Compassion (July 2021)
Remote Counseling, Preparing for Emergencies (June 2021)
Guiding Someone to an Experience with Christ (May 2021)
Deescalating Reactive Couples (April 2021)
Counseling Someone with a Harsh Inner Critic (March 2021)
Cultivating Connection Between Couples (February 2021)
Counseling Someone with Food Addiction (January 2021)
Holding Loss and Hope Simultaneously (December 2020)
Breaking Destructive Communication Cycles in Marriage (November 2020)
Experience Healing by Identifying with Christ in the Psalms (October 2020)
Understand and Reduce the Impact of Stressful Events (September 2020)
Common Ways of Responding to Grief (August 2020)
Identifying and Addressing Racial Trauma in Counseling (July 2020)
3 Steps to Processing Trauma with People (June 2020)
The Optimal Zone for Processing Experience (May 2020)
Staying Connected While Staying Away (April 2020)
Does the Past Affect People if They Don’t Remember? (March 2020)
Cultivating a Culture of Appreciation in Marriage (February 2020)
Feeling Fatigued by Caring for People? (January 2020)
Seasonal Affective Disorder: More Than the Winter Blues (December 2019)
The Power of Gratitude in Grieving (November 2019)
Becoming Okay with Anxiety: The Antidote to Fight or Flight (October 2019)
Helping Clients Wrestle With God In Their Pain (September 2019)
How Do You Know If Someone Is Addicted To Food? (August 2019)
Uncovering Unconscious Beliefs Using The Trauma Egg (July 2019)
Becoming Aware of Cultural Biases in Counseling (June 2019)
First Steps To Calming Anxious Clients (May 2019)
When Infidelity Is Revealed (April 2019)
Describe Rather Than Judge: A Marriage Communication Skill (March 2019)
Resources for Sexual Brokenness and Healing (February 2019)
Help People Change By Doing Things Differently In Session (Jan 2019)
Help Clients Internalize the Gospel by Using the Imagination (December 2018)
Understanding Our Strategies for Self-Redemption (November 2018)
Heart Transformation: Identifying Our Strategies for Self-Redemption (October 2018)
Doing The Hard Work Of Forgiveness (September 2018)
Suicide Prevention: Creating a Safety Plan (August 2018)
Childhood Trauma: Understand and Minimize the Impact (July 2018)
Domestic Abuse: How To Assess Destructive Relationships (June 2018)
Help for the Sexual Addict: discerning between weakness and sin (May 2018)
Relieve Suffering through Radical Acceptance (April 2018)
Responding After A Tragic Event (March 2018)
Identifying Core Hurts (February 2018)
Cultivating Compassionate Curiosity for People's Stories (January 2018)
Grasping God’s Delight (December 2017)
Responding to a Disclosure of Sexual Assault (November 2017)
Making the Gospel Relevant in the Counseling Process (October 2017)
Integrating Psychology and Theology in Counseling (September 2017)
Sexual Addiction: There's hope! (August 2017)
Helping People Relate to Food and Their Bodies (July 2017)
Dealing With Unfulfilled Longings (June 2017)
When Senses Overwhelm: Disruptive Childhood Behavior and the Body (May 2017)
Learning To Walk With Those Who Are Grieving (April 2017)
Self-Care and Soul Care (March 2017)
Intimacy Check-up (February 2017)
Tools for Equipping Caregivers (January 2017)