Addressing Unhealthy Media Diets

Counseling Toolkit for April 2022

Many of us feel like there is not enough time to grieve all the sad news of loss that comes with living in this broken world. This month’s Toolkit is meant to help caregivers hold space for those who are struggling to process difficult news.

The digital world we live in allows us to access more details than our minds were ever meant to take in. Reactionary politics, violence, and pandemic updates have permeated our news feeds. The world watched the 2022 Winter Olympics and the events unfolding in Ukraine in the same month. On a national level, political dissent, changing policies, and ongoing uncertainties in the third year of the pandemic bombard our social media feeds. On a local level, increased reports of violence against individuals and businesses in major cities are flooding daily news. After enough scrolling, it feels like too much to take in and it weighs on all of us. How do we help people begin to slow down and handle the news in healthy ways?

Hilary Chiu, LMFT and Staff Supervisor