Feeling Fatigued by Caring for People?

Counseling Toolkit for January 2020

Healthy boundaries supports better care for the people we serve. That may seem obvious, but why is it all too common to hear of pastors, ministry leaders and counselors burning out and questioning the passion that had attracted them to helping people in the first place? Compassion fatigue, which includes burnout and secondary trauma, is what happens when we do not take care of ourselves. Common symptoms include chronic physical and emotional exhaustion, irritability, difficulty sleeping, feelings of self-contempt and inequity toward the helping relationship, along with other physical symptoms, such as weight loss and headaches. Where are you leaning as you start out the New Year? This month’s tool is an assessment to measure the satisfaction or fatigue you are experiencing as you help others.

The treatment of compassion fatigue includes setting healthy boundaries and practicing restorative care.

Kate Glerup, PhD
