Help for the Sexual Addict: Discerning Between Weakness and Sin

Counseling Toolkit for May 2018

Nick Darrell

When we face the trouble of life we will feel weak. That’s not failure, that’s reality. The problem is none of us want to feel weak because it exposes vulnerability, helplessness and shame. Sin, however, makes us feel strong, at least for the moment. It numbs pain and deludes us into thinking we can handle life apart from God. The only exit is acknowledging weakness and crying out for mercy and help in times of need (Hebrews 4:16).

Knowing the difference between weakness and sin and their relationship to each other is vital in helping sexual addicts accept that failure is part of being human and not God. At the heart of addiction is the refusal to face pain with God, choosing instead to numb ourselves even by blatantly sinful means. What becomes evident is that we hate weakness more than sin. God, however, hates sin and loves the weak. This month’s newsletter offers a worksheet to help you and your clients determine what to do with weakness, what to do with sin, and why it makes all the difference.