Creating a Counselor
Referral List

Counseling Toolkit for October 2023

Judy Cha, PhD


This is a day of celebration for Redeemer Counseling! Our unique GIFT approach to counseling, which connects the Gospel and psychology, is now laid out in our Director Judy Cha’s book, Who You Are: Internalizing the Gospel to Find Your True Identity (Zondervan Reflective). Who You Are is a great resource to learn more about yourself, how your past affects your present, and how God’s story of redemption can reach your deepest hurts. The book is out today! You can purchase your copy through the link in the header image. All proceeds from the book support the ministry of Redeemer Counseling. We believe that as people read Who You Are, their interest in individual counseling may grow. With that in mind, we want to offer a resource on building a counselor referral list.

As you journey with people, there are times when you will recognize the need to refer someone to a counselor. Also, people may come to you seeking a counseling referral. Having a referral list that you feel good about is important. When we refer or connect others to a counselor, we want to continue to provide support. When a person sees a counselor, they still need a strong community around them, hopefully from their family, friends, and church.

Christian counseling covers a range of practice and integration, so how do you know who to include on your referral list for people seeking help? In our first toolkit 6 years ago, we offered pointers on when to recommend counseling. In this toolkit, we will offer insights into creating a counseling referral list you trust.